Urban climate, systems analysis, and health in urban design and town planning
With a systems perspective that acknowledges the complexity of delivering sustainable urban environments we research, teach, and design to optimise urban climate and urban comfort. We are part of the School of Law and Society, and engage widely with industry and local communities.
Latest news

Recent Publication by the BASC Lab Team on urban comfort and adaptive capacity
A recent publication by Dr Silvia Tavares and colleagues highlights the influence of local cultures and identity on urban comfort - i.e. public space users' adaptation to urban microclimates.
The full article is available here.

Urban design and planning for extreme heat: an empirical study of built environment professionals’ perceptions in South East Queensland, Australia
A recent publication in Cities and Health by BASC Lab members Ryan McNeilly Smith, Silvia Tavares and Nicholas Stevens explores how South East Queensland built environment professionals consider extreme heat in their practice.

Journal of Public Space Special Section on Health, Urban Climate and Complexity in Urban Design and Planning
The BASC Lab launched its collaboration with the Journal of Public Space – a partnership project with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme. The Journal of Public Space is the first, international, interdisciplinary, academic, open access journal entirely dedicated to public space. The BASC Lab team recently secured an ongoing special section in the journal entitled: Health, Urban Climate and Complexity in Urban Design and Planning.