Communication | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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As a discipline, we seek to understand media work and media workers, locating much of our research in the fields of cultural and media studies. Media creators, business models and audiences are key themes.

Amid the ongoing digital transformation, our researchers also explore the intersections of international mobility and language, digital activism, evolving discourses in global and strategic communication, and pedagogies of communication education in rapidly shifting socio-technical contexts.

Another major area of scholarly exploration is the changing skills needed to operate at high levels of public rhetoric and writing praxis, including Transmedia Storytelling, including how this plays out in interrelationship between economic development and communication, particularly in rural and remote areas.

Ongoing work on cultural heritage and memory studies, fandoms, and the mediatisation of participatory cultures also form part research in the Communication discipline.

Researcher profiles


roz kelly
Q&A with graduate Roz Kelly: ‘country kid’ turned celebrity broadcaster
18 Jul

When Australians tune into the 24/7 television coverage of the Paris Olympics from 26 July to 11 August, they’ll also be watching a University of the Sunshine Coast graduate at the top of her own game