Parking rules | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Parking rules

The University of the Sunshine Coast Act 1998 (PDF 505KB) * empowers the University to control traffic and conduct on University lands. The University’s Parking - Operational policy and Conduct on University Premises - Managerial Policy apply within the boundaries of University premises and to every part of University premises, and to every person who is at any time on University premises.

The University of the Sunshine Coast Parking - Operational policy and Conduct on University Premises - Managerial Policy authorise the Vice-Chancellor to determine the conditions under which vehicles are brought onto and parked on University premises.

Parking regulations on campus are enforced by the local law and penalties apply for breaches. Sunshine Coast Council is responsible for enforcing penalties as provided in the local law, and regulates the parking of vehicles on the campus under Council’s local law. The University parking conditions are enforced by the Sunshine Coast Council traffic enforcement unit.

Refer to the Sunshine Coast Council website for further information in relation to the enforcement of parking penalties.

The onus is on the driver of a vehicle to know, understand and comply with the requirements of the University Parking - Operational policy and Conduct on University Premises - Managerial Policy and the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 (PDF 2.1MB) * that regulate parking on the University of the Sunshine Coast's campus.

Administration of University parking is the responsibility of Campus Development and Services (Parking Services).

An application for consideration under special circumstances may be made in the first instance by writing to

* For PDF documents you must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded from the Adobe Download page.

Parking and driving on campus

When driving and parking on campus you must be aware of the following:

  • Abide by the rules outlined above. Refer also to the conditions of parking.
  • Observe the speed limits and traffic signage—these are enforced by Queensland Police.
  • Give way to pedestrians in a shared zone.
  • The campus is a regulated parking area defined by official parking signs. Parking infringements are enforced by Sunshine Coast Council.
  • Parking on campus is at your own risk.
  • Park only in designated areas, not in restricted areas such as service roads, driveways, building entrances or grassed areas (if you are not parked in a marked bay, you are parked illegally and risk an infringement notice and fine).
  • Areas on campus may be marked for a particular type of vehicle or permit, and may not be available to all vPermit or eTicket holders. Refer to disability and special needs parking for more information.
  • The campus has a number of disability parking bays around campus. Do not park in these bays without a valid Australian Disability Parking Permit (parking is free for permit holders).
  • The UniSC campus is bounded by local schools which can affect traffic conditions during the day. Be aware of pedestrians and school children on campus, particularly in the vicinity of the bus interchange as this is a high-usage shared zone.
  • UniSC is a wildlife reserve, drive slowly and protect our wildlife.