Tim Fairfax AC | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Tim Fairfax AC

Honorary Doctorate (April 2010)

Tim Fairfax AC was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in April 2010 in recognition of his many contributions to the nation, particularly the interests of regional and rural Australia, and his contributions to education and the arts, through a range of important committees.

Tim Fairfax AC has been one of the nation’s strongest proponents for regional and rural Australian advancement. He has a quietly pervasive influence throughout the country and is a generous philanthropist and supporter of many worthy charities. He is a successful businessman, grazier and company director in his own right, owning fine wool, beef and grain businesses in Queensland and New South Wales. He has been the chairman of numerous bodies, including the National Portrait Gallery, Salvation Army Brisbane Advisory Board and Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, and his range of involvements across the country make him one of the busiest of people. In addition to his extensive agricultural, arts and education involvements, he also has had media interests. A former USC Deputy Chancellor, he supports USC students with valuable scholarships every year, and has been a wonderful supporter of the University through its formative years – always accomplished with an unassuming, understated humility and generosity of spirit.