Skye Cash-Deans | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Skye Cash-Deans

BSc (Hons) Sunshine Coast, B.BiomedSc Sunshine Coast

  • Associate Lecturer in Anatomy
  • School of Health
Office location
Sunshine Coast

Skye joined the School of Health as a sessional staff member in 2015 after completing her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Science in 2013 and her Bachelor of Science (Honours) in 2014. She has taught undergraduate level courses such as Human Anatomy, Human Physiology and Introductory Bioscience. Skye is passionate about her teaching areas and creating a learning environment that is welcoming and supportive for students.

Teaching areas

  • LFS103 Introductory Bioscience
  • LFS122 Human Anatomy