Teachers’ Educational Experiences and Preparedness in Teaching Students with Autism | UniSC | University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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Teachers’ Educational Experiences and Preparedness in Teaching Students with Autism

The inclusion of students with autism in mainstream classrooms is a positive and essential step towards a more inclusive education system. It is equally important to ensure teachers are well-prepared for this task. The recent study by Devi, Palmer, Ganguly, and Barua highlights the needs for deeper understanding of teaching students with autism, which can be achieved through strengthening the onboarding strategy for novice teachers.

To prepare educators effectively, exposure to hands- on experience and classroom observation have been found to be valuable strategies in teacher preparedness. The authors feel that this exposure should extend beyond theoretical knowledge and encompass real classroom scenarios with different teaching strategies, allowing teachers to implement inclusive practices confidently.

The study shows that new teachers would greatly benefit from mentorship, ongoing support and through social networking, where experienced educators can provide valuable insights, guidance, and practical strategies for effectively teaching students with autism.

During teacher training programs, training on autism must be provided to pre-service teachers along with practical, attainable strategies, and mentorship. It is also important to include simulations of real-world classroom situations, allowing future educators to practice and refine their skills to create an inclusive classroom for all.

The study concludes that by addressing these issues, we can create a more inclusive education system that empowers teachers to provide the best possible support for students with autism, fostering a more inclusive and equitable learning environment for all.

Dr Aruna Devi, Elizabeth Emma Palmer, Rahul Ganguly, Prabal Datta Barua