Production Systems Research
ENS 332 (Offering: 2003)


This course investigates the processes of animal and plant food and fibre production systems. Central to the course are the ways in which science is used and the problems posed for science by the complexities of modern food and fibre production systems. The course would include a brief introduction to the history of production systems and how they have changed, and more detailed discussion of the scientific, economic, social and political aspects of production systems. The theoretical basis and practical implications of specific production methodologies from aquaculture, forestry, agriculture, and horticulture will be discussed in this course. Specific areas to be examined in detail include: the scientific basis of genetic resources and genetic engineering; plant and animal breeding; plant and animal production; nutrient and irrigation management; canopy modelling; integrated pest management; postharvest handling; quality control; value-adding and export production. The discussion of these activities in production systems will be developed in the broader context of the economic, social and political considerations, for example, tariffs and taxation, vertical integration and globalisation.

Major(s)/Minors(s): Environmental Management (major), Agricultural and Aquatic Biotechnology (major), Environmental Management (minor)

Usual Semester of offer: Semester 2

Other Information

Area(s) of Study: Environmental Science

Number of Units: 12

Prerequisite: SCI201 or SCI110 Antirequisite: ENS311  




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